
Showing posts from May, 2022

What Are the Factors Influencing Venture Capital Investment?

Key Components That Attract Venture Capital Investors: If you want your startup to succeed, you'll need funds to get it off the ground. You could have the most amazing idea i.e., approaching a venture capitalist. Venture Capital can be a very enticing approach to quickly raising early-stage financing to fund and nurture your company's growth. Venture capital is money invested in a high-potential, high-growth company in exchange for equity in the company during its early stages. This type of private investment is ideal for businesses that lack experience or exposure and need secure public funding but have the potential to rapidly scale. Here are Five Elements That May Assist Your Company To Attract Venture Capitalists: 1. Unique Idea: While an excellent idea does not guarantee to fund, a weak or unoriginal idea is certainly not going to attract venture capitalists. Other factors determine whether a company is important for investors or not. Your greatest prospect is...

Features And Benefits of Using a Private Equity - Valuqo Capital

Private equity is a type of finance in which capital is invested in different companies. PE investments are invested in established companies in conventional industries in exchange for equity in the company. HOW DOES PRIVATE EQUITY WORK? Private equity investors raise funds from limited partners to invest in a company. They close the fund once they've reached their Fund-Raising target and put the money into potential businesses. An investor buys a controlling stake in a company using a combination of debt and equity, eventually repaid by the company. In provision, the investor works on improving the profitability to reduce the financial burden for the company.  Functions of Private Equity: RAISE CAPITAL: - Equity firms acquire capital from limited partners or external financial institutions like retirement, pension funds, and insurance companies. They also invest their money to make it to the fund.  SOURCES, DEAL CLOSING: - At the time of acquisition,  Pr...

How To Start Your Own Fund?

                                                                                  Start Your Own Venture Capitalist Firm: - A venture capitalist is an investor who invests funds in a start up company to expand business or fulfilling capital needs for the start up venture. They invest in companies to earn potential ROI if the company is successful. The two preceding career paths to becoming a venture capitalist are to become an entrepreneur or a highly skilled investment banker.  What separates venture capitalists from other equity investors is that venture capitalists usually deploy third-party assets to enhance the efficacy of a young company. In 2020 venture capital industry raised a new record of almost $130 bn. They face competition from other capital raising methods ...

Various Methods for Fund Raising For Start-Ups - Valuqo Capital

What is the main aspect when considering expansion for start-ups? - Funds. Funds are very important for expanding business operations. It takes money to turn a great idea into a great product but money doesn't grow on trees you need some source from where you can get funds. Here are Some of The Methods That You Can Consider When Going For Fund Raising: Self- Funding: Entrepreneurs can begin with Self-Funding at some point. This can create a great impact on future investors. They will likely see that you have some skin in the game. Instead of relying on future investment rounds, you can use your initial profits to boost future growth. Friends/ Family: You can ask your friends and family for financial support for your start-up. These investments are some type of loan or stock purchase. To protect your relations with your relatives make sure everything is written in the agreement and signed by both the parties to avoid any mishaps in the future.  Crowd Funding: Crowdfunding ha...

What are the 3 stages of mergers and acquisitions?

Mergers and Acquisition Process: - When an organization is merged or acquired with another organization, it enhances the company's competitive position in the market and financial position. Mergers and acquisitions offer various benefits such as improved business relationships, diversification of products and services, Private Equity , and increased capacity at a lower cost. In this article, you'll the process of mergers and acquisitions both on the buy side and the sell side:- Steps on the sell side  Stage 1 -   Prepare for the sale: - Define the strategy - You must know the goals when entering a potential sale. The management team, in collaboration with outside counsel, should establish the goals of the sale and find potential buyers. Allow the financial and market decisions made by your organization to influence your approach. Compile the material - Make a comprehensive kit that formally represents your company to potential buyers. In case you are working with I...

What Is IPO And How Beneficial For Investors - Valuqo Capital

TRACKING UPCOMING IPOS An initial public offering (IPO) is a public offering in which stock is sold to institutional or individual investors.   Benefits of investing in IPO:- Commission-free stock picking potentially under-priced companies potentially profiting from price jumps Investing in IPO involves high risk and volatility as compared to established stocks How IPO is beneficial for Investors? IPO allows companies to raise money even during an economic breakdown. It helps in maintaining transparency in business listings.  GREATER LIQUIDITY:- Once a company is public, investors can sell their stocks and this selling allows the investors to discover profits without waiting for their shares to be repurchased. It improves investor liquidity as the company's shares can be sold or bought at any moment. DIVERSIFICATION:- When the company is public, the shares are traded between investors on an exchange. No single inves...